Royal York

Now: Spring Mar 2025 to Jun 2025
9:30 am
Linda Gallant
9:30 am Linda Gallant
Suitable for 1 yr - 2 yrs
$299.88 for 12 classes

10:30 am
Linda Gallant
10:30 am Linda Gallant
Suitable for 1 yr - 4 yrs
$299.88 for 12 classes

11:30 am
Linda Gallant
11:30 am Linda Gallant
Suitable for 0 mons - 1 yr
$299.88 for 12 classes

11:45 am
Linda Gallant
11:45 am Linda Gallant
Suitable for 0 mons - 3 yrs
$274.89 for 11 classes

Kingsway Baptist Church Toronto West 41 Birchview Blvd Toronto ON M8X 1H7

Via TTC: Take the subway to Royal York, exit at Royal York Road. Cross Royal York Rd at Bloor. Walk one short block north to Birchview (opposite the subway station entrance).
Street parking only. A Green P municipal lot is close by - one and a half blocks east at 934 Royal York Road (carpark 505). Absolutely NO parking in the church parking lot - cars will be towed at owners expense.
Internal directions:
Enter through doors marked with Rainbow Songs sign. Upon entering through the outer door, go down the stairs, turn right into the hallway and then right again to go down another short set of stairs into the auditorium. ON PA DAYS: classes are held in the Rectory Basement. The Rectory is the white/stone house in the parking lot of the church, off Birchview. Look for the Rainbow Songs a-frame sign by the correct door. To get to the basement, go down the steps right by the garage, and through the door.
Please leave all strollers outside the Rectory.